
Top 3 electric toothbrush recommendations

Looking for an affordable gift for your kids or a loved one this holiday season?  Dr. Chas Jensen at Rogue River Family Dental in downtown Rockford MI says it’ll be a great investment that will keep your mouth healthy all year long. 

Of course brushing your teeth is a part of your everyday routine, but are you truly brushing as thoroughly as you should?  More than 30 percent of people don’t brush twice a day and their average brushing time still remains below two minutes – the recommendation of the American Dental Association. 

Dr. Jensen says an easy way to step up your brushing game is to invest in an electric toothbrush. Not only do they keep your teeth clean, but they also do a better job powering away plaque than you would with an old school toothbrush.  Another reason to go electric: most models come with an automatic timer so you’ll get your two minutes in every time you brush!   

Here are a few of Dr. Jensen’s favorite electric tooth brushes that won’t kill your budget:   

Don’t forget to schedule your next cleaning with Rogue River Family Dental – give us a call at 616-866-7720.