
Dr. Jensen’s take on sparkling water


In today's fast-paced world there are countless choices to pick from to wet your whistle. 

A new trendy beverage that is gaining in popularity is sparkling waters and seltzers. 

From a dental perspective, there are a few things to keep in mind when selecting your beverage of choice:   

Added sugar 
Any drinks consumed between meals that contain sugar will put you at risk to develop cavities. Read nutrition labels and keep your eyes peeled for any added sugar. 

The main difference between seltzer water/sparkling water and tap water is carbonation.  When a beverage is carbonated it becomes acidic.  This acidity can cause enamel erosion.  Once you lose enamel it doesn't come back. 

So, is sparkling water just as good as regular tap or bottled water?
At the end of the day regular tap water or bottled water is the best thing for your teeth.  But if you need a little something more to spice things up, seltzer water is significantly better for your teeth than soda or juice. 

Dr. Jensen says that like all things in life, take everything in moderation.

If you're family is due for a cleaning or dental checkup, give Rogue River Family Dental a call at 616-866-7720! 

Six best foods for your teeth  


You have all heard about the many foods that are bad for your teeth – soda, energy drinks, candy and sweets. But what about the many foods that are good for your teeth and overall oral health? 

Check out the list below that Dr. Jensen has compiled of foods that are good for you and your mouth!  

Yogurt is high in calcium and protein – it’s not just good for your overall digestive health, but good for your teeth too.  The probiotics in yogurt benefit your gums by pushing out bacteria that can cause cavities.  Dr. Jensen’s favorite yogurt is a plain Greek yogurt with some fruit or nuts added in. 

Milk and Cheese
Like yogurt, both milk and cheeses are high in calcium and protein too.  Eating cheese can raise the pH in your mouth and lower the risk for tooth decay.  The amount of chewing needed to digest cheese increases saliva in your mouth which is good too.   Dr. Jensen drinks a glass of milk every night with his dinner.   

Everyone has heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  There might just be some truth to that when it comes to your oral health! Fruits such as apples can be a good alternative to eating sweets and can cure cravings too.  They are packed with fiber and water and also produce saliva in your mouth that rinses away bacteria and food particles.  Eating an apple isn’t as effective as brushing your teeth, but it can tide you over until you have a chance to brush!

Celery and Carrots 
Like an apple, celery and carrots can act somewhat like a toothbrush!  The fibrous texture can scrape away food particles and bacteria.  Both are a great source of vitamin A and C and antioxidants that are good for your gums too.  Dr. Jensen packs bags of carrots and celery slices as snacks when he’s on the go.    

Almonds are an excellent source of protein and calcium and are low in sugar too.  Try a small serving of almonds as a snack, or mix them in your favorite salad or stir fry.  Dr. Jensen snacks on almonds quite regularly – they are a great snack when paired with a glass of wine!  

If you’re looking for something to drink that won’t harm your teeth, Dr. Jensen always recommends sticking to water or unsweetened tea.  Both are the best options for your teeth with the exception of a glass of milk.  

Give us a call at 616-866-7720 to schedule your next cleaning!